Reporting on politics, science, law, money, orchids and people: The lyricism of the environmental beat

Award-winning journalists Cynthia Barnett and Craig Pittman shared their experiences covering environmental issues with NNB reporters Wednesday. [View the story “Advice to approaching environmental journalism ” on Storify] About Neighborhood News Bureau Neighborhood News Bureau is a working newsroom, staffed by University of South Florida St. Petersburg undergraduate and graduate students under the guidance of… Continue reading Reporting on politics, science, law, money, orchids and people: The lyricism of the environmental beat

Seagrass beds, Tampa Bay water quality and St. Pete Referendum No. 1

BY DANIELLE VON DREELE NNB Reporter St. Petersburg residents are reasonably concerned with the city’s questionable water supply. The history of Tampa Bay’s warm, shallow waters is murky with pollution from dredging, industrial emissions and wastewater. A question up for vote on the city election Nov. 3 is addressing the issue with increased protections to seagrass beds. Referendum… Continue reading Seagrass beds, Tampa Bay water quality and St. Pete Referendum No. 1